Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Where to buy longboards in New Zealand

Because New Zealand is at the bottom of the world, it is hard (and expensive) to get quality boards and specialist parts, such as trucks. However, a few local folks can get you sorted with some awesome gear for a reasonable price.

Boarder Lines New Zealand: http://www.boarderlines.co.nz/
Boarder Lines Skate Company stocks Landyachty, Never Summer, Honey, Tunnel and Rayne. They also have a selection of trucks from Randal, Paris, Bear, Bennett and Tracker - wheels from Abec11, Orangatang, Tunnel, Bennett, Cadillac, Gravity  and Seismic. Also, they have added a 'Featured Products' section, where you can save up to 15% on a deck. I have personally dealt with them, and I found their customer service to be extraordinary.

Hyper: http://www.hyper.co.nz/
Hyper is a division of () with a massive range of completes ranging from Hectic, Globe, Riveria, GFH, Layback, Sector Nine and Loaded. Again, they have a range of trucks from such brands as Paris, Gullwing, Randal and Bear, and wheels from Orangatang and Sector Nine. Also, they offer FREE DELIVERY. A great place for a beginner to pick up a quality bargan, as they offer specials and discounts on a different range of products every day of the year!

The Sugar Board's Pintail
Hand Crafted in the Eastern Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, Sugar Boards are designed to bring the fun and classic style into Longboarding. We can set you up with a sweet new ‘Custom board’ or you can choose from a few of our standard models. All guaranteed to be FUN!
Sugar Boards offer a range of beautiful, hand crafted longboards, from pintails and cruisers to customs. Check them out!

Bombarder Longboards: http://bombardierlongboards.co.nz/
Quailty, hand crafted boards at very reasonable prices.

Hopkin Skate Australia: http://hopkin.com.au/
Hopkins, like Hyper, have a VERY diverse range of boards, trucks and wheels, such as Landyachtz, Rayne, Loaded, Sector Nine and Landera. If you are looking for specialist gear, this is the place to look. They also offer free shipping throught Australia and New Zealand.

Ugly Carnie: http://www.ugliecarnie.com/
Ugly Carnie is another website offering quality, hand crafted boards. Highly recommended.

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